Smart Tv…what’s all the buzz about?

4 Way Technologies
3 min readOct 19, 2021

Remember the days when color TV was the buzz of the era? Maybe you were too young or even non-existent, of course how could I forget, it was during the 60’s…and those of you who witnessed it all…you know how sought after that box was!

Anyway, we have good news for everyone…

“It is happening again” yess, you heard it right or maybe you’ve heard it already…the gossip is on; people are talking about it, but what is it this time?

Let’s spill the beans…duh..duh..duh..drum roll…it is the “SMART TV!”

We’re pretty sure you’ve heard this term, maybe on a You tube AD or maybe on some “Not so Smart TV.”

So what exactly is a Smart TV?

To put it straight, it is the new Avatar that has single handedly pulled out the dying television industry from it’s grave; it is the reason to actually start buying televisions again; and it’s here to prove that it’s here to stay and even prosper.


Well…a Smart TV:

  • Can connect to the internet, just like your smartphones, tablets, laptops etc.
  • It Is not affected by the weather, so enjoy your favourite shows without worrying about the downpour…it’s time to say “TATA to the Sky.”
  • Can run Smart TV apps like Netflix, Amazon Prime Video, BBC, You tube & more.
  • Facilitates internet browsing, just like your Smartphone.
  • Has a working processor…so it’s more than just an empty monitor, and can perform tasks like Voice recognition, gesture control & more.

So what about the TV you have right now?


So you don’t have a Smart TV, right? But you want a Smart TV? But buying a new one is not exactly what your budget permits right?

Do not worry…because you can transform your empty monitor into a fully functional Smart TV! How..? Read on.

Live streaming devices like Roku, Amazon Fire TV Stick & Apple TV are some of the best Live streaming devices that can basically give your Old LED/LCD a well awaited Face-lift, and transform it into a Smart TV to an extent.

What are smart TV apps?

The floating icons you see on your Smartphones screen that perform a specific function when clicked are called Smartphone apps similarly the apps that appear on the screen of your Smart TV are called Smart TV apps.

Smart TV apps are a bit different from the apps on your smartphone, though they perform the same functions, the dynamics involved in Smart TV App development are different due to the added features like gesture control, voice control & more.

The future…

It’s clear now, a smartphone cannot replace a TV, it’s further proven by the fact that the Smart TV industry is growing exponentially; developers are actively working on developing Smart TV compatible apps, and companies Like 4 Way Technologies have become some of the market leaders in this industry.

Wanna learn how to design and develop Smart Tv Apps? We’ll be happy to help .I want to learn.



4 Way Technologies

4 Way Technologies is one of the most trusted and leading custom mobile app development company in USA. Working with Startups and Fortune 100's.